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5 useful tips to help you choose the perfect Christmas tree

Lisa Garden on 08-12-2017

Christmas is undoubtedly the most exciting time of the year. The idea of going Christmas shopping excites children and elders alike. However, it becomes quite a task to choose the best Christmas tree for your home. If a person knows about Christmas tree and its types, they can make a better choice about it. Here are some tips that we have compiled to make the task easier for you.


1.Know Your Needs

In order to choose the best Christmas tree this year, you should know what you are looking for. There are various species of trees that are widely used as Christmas trees. If you’re looking for a lasting tree that stays fresh for long, you can opt for Fraser fir. If you want your Christmas tree to stay fragrant throughout the season, then White fir should be your go-to option. You can choose Douglas fir tree for a dense look, if you do not intend to decorate it with ornaments.

Christmas trees tend to wither quickly. Therefore, many people opt for fake trees. However, you can go green by choosing a tree with roots. Use it to decorate your living room and plant it in your garden once the Christmas festivities are over.


2.Measure the Space

Before going Christmas shopping, you should know the size of the tree that will fit easily in your house. Measure the space where you will keep the tree so that you can choose the right size. Make sure the branches aren’t too close to walls or other objects. Also, keep the tree away from fireplaces, since it may catch fire.

If you want to get a Christmas tree without roots, it’s recommended to keep it in a tree stand. Get a tree that perfectly fits the tree stand. Do not trim its bark in an attempt to fit it in the stand, or else the tree will lose its cambium layer that absorbs water.

3.The Tree Must Have Even Coloration

The Christmas tree should have even coloration. If some leaves are dull in color, it may indicate that the tree isn’t healthy and may not survive until Christmas day. Water the plant regularly in order to keep it fresh and healthy.


4.Check Its Freshness

Check the freshness of a tree before purchasing it. Try to snap a needle with your fingers. If the needle breaks easily, it means that the tree is freshly cut. On the other hand, the needles of pine trees bend if the tree is fresh.


5.Check Space for Ornaments

When you buy a Christmas tree, you may want to decorate it with Christmas decorations. Make sure that the tree you choose has enough space between its branches to hang some ornaments. Nowadays, most people prefer full and lush trees. However, such trees cannot accommodate ornaments. Take along a Christmas ornament with you when going for Christmas tree shopping. Hang it on the branches of the tree to ensure that you buy a tree that can be decorated conveniently.

Visit a local store to buy a Christmas tree for your home. Garden Centre Guide is a great online platform through which you can easily locate garden centres in your area.
