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CBeebies’ Mr Bloom is garden mums’ shed pin-up!

Lisa Garden on 13-09-2011

KIDS TV star Mr Bloom has joined Alan Titchmarsh and Monty Don as an allotment plot pin-up of the Mumsnet generation.

The social networking site for mothers ( has been hot with comments about TV’s latest gardening totty – actor Ben Faulks. Ben plays allotment owner Mr Bloom in the CBeebies series Mr Bloom’s nursery, a specialist garden show for young children.

A thread on Mumsnet included the reactions: “He’s about 15 years too young for me but he has something – there’s a glint in his eye! I have a bit of a wibble when he
says ‘Ullo!’”

Other mums said: “I’ll do his garden for him any day!”  “I fancy him rotten,” “Move over ladies Mr Bloom is mine,” and “I’d like to get him on his own in the potting shed!”
Other comments left on the web were not suitable to post on the Garden Centre Guide!

Cornish-born Ben, now based in Manchester and a father-of-two, said he was embarrassed about the saucy suggestions.  “I’ve not been invited to anyone’s garden yet but I’m not going to repeat some of the things that have been suggested,” he said.

The actor (pictured), whose catch phrase is “Ullo t’ddlers,” added: “The reaction to the programme has been great. We’re finishing the second series.”
