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Gardening Can Improve Your Life: Here is How

Lisa Garden on 21-01-2025

The industrial revolution served as a sort of shifting point in human history. We’ve advanced more technologically in the past 200 years, than ever before throughout the collective lifetime of humanity. For the most part, technology has done a lot of good. Not only are we more connected than ever thanks to the internet, but we also have constant goods and services that we take for granted.

That being said, there is a downside to the rapid technological development, and it is that it has separated us from nature. Studies do show that spending time in the great outdoors is good for both physical and mental health. However, many are simply incapable of visiting the outdoors frequently, for many reasons. That is why gardening has become such a huge hit among many people in 2025.

Gardening in Urban Areas

Residents of larger cities may have a difficult time visiting hiking trails, national parks, or even local forested areas. Of course, those who live in apartment buildings are also going to find it hard to propagate their own garden. However, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to start a home garden, right there in your apartment.

Setting up a garden on your balcony is not as hard as you’d think. All you will really need are pots, some dirt, and a lot of seeds. If you want to start out simpler, you can get pre-potted plants, and simply transfer them to bigger pots, which you’ve laid out on the balcony already. Once they start to thrive, you will immediately notice a difference.

The best part about an apartment garden is that you don’t need to give up any of your conveniences. For example, if you did start propagating plants on your balcony, you can set up a chair and table, and enjoy tea, while watching a game of football, an wagering on NetBet about it. You could also play your favorite casino or video games, while taking in the beauty of your small garden. But, what are the benefits of having a garden in the first place?

Stress Relief

Certain studies have shown that gardening could be a form of stress relief. Working on the plants will get your mind off of the hustle and bustle of everyday life. There are people who experience stress for a number of reasons. From troubles at work, to problems with health, and relationship issues, we are all going through something. Gardening time could be the one thing that helps us take our mind off of it.

Of course, there are a lot of ways to relieve stress. So, why should we take gardening in particular, over things like video games, exercise, or taking up a sport, for example? Well, the truth of the matter is that, you should do what you think is right for you. A lot of people are not interested in exercise or video games. There are also many who would love to both exercise and garden.

Gardening should not be an activity that you feel obligated to do so. After all, an obligation is just something that adds to stress, rather than subtract from it. But, if you are interested in gardening, you will certainly get a lot out of it. Studies in psychology have shown that those who’ve taken up gardening as a hobby have shown an improvement in overall mood, and a decrease in stress.

Developing a Mindset

In today’s society, many have turned away from a nurturing mindset, towards a more laissez-faire attitude. People don’t really care much to think about how their actions might affect others, and the examples they may set for future generations. While keeping a stiff upper lip can be a good thing now and then, we also should not forget that societies thrive from mutual respect and cooperation.

A garden could help one regain that nurturing attitude that seems to have been lost in the 21st century. Though inanimate, plants are living, and it is actually quite easy to get attached to them. Many will experience a sense of sorrow when their plants wither, and this encourages them to take better care of the garden. This sense of caring will almost certainly transfer into daily life.

Gardening is Simpler Than Ever

Though we talked about how technology has advanced so fast, that it has separated us from the natural world, it has also, somewhat paradoxically, brought us closer to nature than ever. In the high-tech 21st century, starting a garden is so simple, that even some who’ve never had any experience gardening could do it successfully.

It all comes down to smart technology. All any prospective gardeners have to do is hook up their smart tech to the garden, and create a sort of schedule that will remind them when to do what. Watering calendars are a great place to start for example. They will mark the last date when you’ve watered the plants, and remind you when it is time to do so again.

We could view “smart gardens” as a sort of microcosm of the fact that tech and nature don’t have to be opposing sides of a line, but rather two sides of the same coin. Humans are just as part of nature as animals or plants after all, so our creations, though often called artificial, are natural to us. Finding ways to use technology to propagate the natural world is already something that scientists are looking into. A smart garden is just a byproduct of that.

Key Notes

 Gardening may not be for everyone. Even with smart-tech at your disposal, it still is a hobby that requires a lot of work and effort. However, for those who feel like they need a connection to nature, while also remaining in the city, gardening is the perfect escape. One could spend hours on their balcony, or even in their indoor garden, soaking in the greenery on a sunny day, and never once get tired of the natural beauty that we so desperately miss in the hyper-advanced 21st century.
