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Plant of the week: Hardy Fuchsia

Lisa Garden on 02-07-2010
These summer flowering shrubs can be relied upon to produce graceful arching branches and pendent bell-like flowers, year after year. Use as freestanding, or on its own in mixed shrub borders. If planted 80cm (2,5 ft) apart all varieties will make an informal hedge. Can be grown successfully in pots and containers or any well drained soil, in full sun or light shade.

Responses well to regular feeding. Popular varieties include: Mrs Popple, Alice Hoffman, Tom & Lady Thumb, magellanica Gracilis as well as the gold leaf variety Genii or the grey/green/pink leaved Versicolour with scarlet-violet flowers. Please remember to print your exclusive ‘Buy One, Get One FREE’ voucher, from the bottom of this email.