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Visit an edible garden near you

Lisa Garden on 17-09-2013

Visit an edible garden near you and come home bursting with inspiration ready to revitalise your own kitchen garden with new ideas, new crops and new designs.

The Big Dig ( is holding an Edible Gardens Open Day on Saturday 21st in which over 160 food gardens in towns and cities all over the UK are opening their gates to show off the fruits (and veg!) of all their summer hard work. Last year's event attracted over 3,000 people, so expect a huge celebration of community gardening and the sheer joy of growing your own food.

The gardens on display include community orchards, allotments, rooftop gardens and gardens on barges. There are activities for all the family including garden tours, talks and games, as well as harvesting and cooking demonstrations (you'll often have the chance to eat the produce, too!)

If your garden isn't quite big enough for your gardening ambitions, community gardening is a great way of growing more, spreading your wings and learning lots by working alongside experienced gardeners, as well as meeting some great new friends. You can find a community garden near you via the Big Dig website, or try the Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens ( You'll never look back.
