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Houseplants in City of Dundee

Houseplants not only add beauty to the inside of your home. They are living organisms that have the ability to interact with your mind, body and home in so many ways that significantly improve your quality of life. Don’t know where to go to buy plants you need to embellish your home? Simple! Just visit The Garden Centre Guide and find the garden centres in your area, where you can shop at your leisure to choose the houseplants in City of Dundee you want to buy for your home. 

5 advantages of having houseplants in your environment

  • Houseplants make air easier to breathe – you inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide when you breathe. Houseplants do things differently, in that they absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen in order to survive. In other words, houseplants give off the very same gas that we humans need to survive, making them the perfect, natural partners to have in our homes. However, during the night, plants behave just like humans by taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. There are some plants though, such as bromeliads, succulents and orchids which, since they absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide in the night, are ideal for placing in bedrooms to refresh the air as you sleep. 
  • Plants increase humidity – during the photosynthesis process, plants give off moisture vapour, thus increasing the humidity in the air surrounding them. Approximately 97% of the water absorbed by plants gets released into the air. Placing a few houseplants together increases the humidity in a room which in turn, helps a lot to reduce respiratory issues in humans.

  • Purify the air in your home naturally – according to NASA research, plants remove at least 87% of toxins such as formaldehyde, which is found in vinyl, rugs, grocery bags and cigarette smoke, trichloroethylene and benzene, both of which are present in inks, paint, solvents and man-made fibres. High concentrations of benzene are also present in study areas where there are plenty of printed papers and books. 
  • Promotes speedy recovery – recovering from recent surgery? Well, plants don’t only make patients feel better, but they also help a lot with the recovery rate of those who have received surgical treatment. Studies have shown that patients who have plants in their rooms require fewer pain killers, have lower blood pressure and heart rates, are less tired and anxious and recover much faster than patients in rooms without plants.
  • Makes days at the office much better! – research shows that placing plants in an office environment provides several benefits. These include decreases in colds, headaches, fatigue, sore throats, ‘flu symptoms and colds. Other studies also show that sickness among office workers fell by no less than 60% in offices where plants were present.

Where to buy houseplants in City of Dundee

You too can enjoy the above 5 advantages of having houseplants in your environment if you visit The Garden Centre Guide as soon as possible, find garden centres near you, and browse at your leisure through the enormous variety of plants they have to offer. There is no doubt that you will find several to suit your needs perfectly!

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