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Insect and pest control assortment Ashtead Park Garden Centre

Insect and pest control

Get in control of pests and insects with pest and insect control products from Ashtead Park Garden Centre in . Pest control is part and parcel of your gardening life, and it's pretty certain that at some point you'll need to defend yourself against an attack from six-legged beasties as intent on eating your produce as you are.

Your Surrey  garden centre is here to help in the war against pests: they've got every pest control weapon you could need to tackle outbreaks of nasties from slugs to aphids and mealybugs to spider mites. Bring in pictures or samples and the team will be happy to diagnose your problem and help you tackle it effectively.

Prevention is better than cure with pest control at Ashtead Park Garden Centre

Your pest control should start long before you have a problem, though. Stopping the pests getting to your plants in the first place is half the battle, and avoids the damage that can be inflicted as pest numbers build.

Barriers keep pests off before they even get started. Lightweight horticultural fleece, available off the roll or in handy packets at Ashtead Park Garden Centre here in , is a great pest control for keeping carrot fly off, while insect-proof mesh over the brassica bed excludes pigeons and cabbage white butterflies too.

If you do suffer an attack of insects

Inevitably some pests slip through the barriers, so stay vigilant and be ready with the pest control to protect your plants the moment you see signs of trouble.

Small colonies of aphids are easily squished between thumb and forefinger: but for larger infestations you'll need a bottle of insecticidal soap from Ashtead Park Garden Centre. It's derived from plant-based fatty acids so completely organic: spray onto plants in dry weather and repeat as necessary.

Tackling the dreaded slug with Ashtead Park Garden Centre pest control

Public enemy no. 1 though needs a special level of pest control. Slugs and snails are the bane of British gardeners, eating up to 40 times their bodyweight in plant material each season.

Protect individual plants with barriers of grit, wool pellets or copper tape which creates a mild electric charge to zap slugs before they reach your plants. Slug pubs and wildlife-friendly ferrous phosphate slug pellets are also really effective.

You can also protect entire beds by harnessing the power of Mother Nature. Among the best selling products in the range of biological pest controls at Ashtead Park Garden Centre is a slug-eating nematode you just water onto the ground every six weeks for season-long control. Ask the staff at the garden centre for a demonstration: we guarantee you won't look back.

Ashtead Park Garden Centre

Pleasure Pit Road
KT21 1HU
