Vegetables assortment Squires Garden Centre-Cobham

Grow your own vegetables with Squires Garden Centre-Cobham in Cobham. Vegetable gardening can be extremely satisfying, both throughout the growing process and when you're at the dinner table.There's nothing better than the taste of your own home grown veggies! And with so many varieties that are available to grow, the possibilities are endless. Make sure you visit Squires Garden Centre-Cobham in Cobham to get your seeds, and start your kitchen garden off right.
Vegetable gardening in small spaces with Squires Garden Centre-Cobham
You don't need lots of space to provide yourself with home-picked delicacies. Pick up a metre-squared raised bed kit from Squires Garden Centre-Cobham, fill it with topsoil and compost and divide it up into nine roughly equal squares, each sown with a different kind of vegetable. It's an amazing amount of variety from such a small space.
Look out for 'dwarf' or 'patio' varieties among seed packets on sale in the garden centre here in Cobham, bred to stay compact yet with a good yield. Even bulky vegetables like potatoes can be grown in potato sacks: choose sweet new potatoes like Swift for a super-fast harvest and feed with specialist potato fertilliser as they grow. You'll find all you need on in your Surrey garden centre.
Choosing which vegetable varieties from Squires Garden Centre-Cobham to grow
When you're starting out, stick to tried-and-tested vegetable varieties at first so you can be sure of a reliable yield while you're finding your feet. Ask vegetable-growing friends for their favourites, and look out for 'best selling' and 'F1' on the seed packets – both are indications you'll get vigorous plants and a generous harvest.
When you're a little more confident, you can always try more unusual vegetables. You'll find lots of interesting novelties on the seed racks in the garden centre: purple French climbing beans are as good looking as they are delicious, while unusual veg like chickpeas and borlotti beans can be surprisingly easy to grow in the UK.
Looking after your vegetables
Vegetables are easy to grow but need regular attention to keep them in the best possible condition. You don't need to spend loads of time: just half an hour a day keeps quite a large vegetable garden ticking over nicely. Concentrate on boosting the soil, evicting the weeds and fending off pests which find your vegetables as tasty as you do. You'll get your first harvests from fast-growing salad mixes, radish, turnips and beetroot within as little as eight weeks: and it just gets better from there.