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Exploring the Potential Health Benefits of the Cannabis Plant

Lisa Garden on 30-04-2024

Cannabis is a plant made up of over 120 cannabinoids that boast a variety of uses, including a range of potential health benefits and is currently being used across the medical industry in the treatment of patients all over the world.

While there is still a lot of research to be conducted to properly understand the true advantages cannabis and CBD oil can offer patients, it is growing in popularity with studies showing results that it has assisted with a range of different illnesses including chronic pain, mental health and blood pressure. What’s more, in some instances it has helped patients from relapsing when it comes to consuming drugs and alcohol.

According to figures published by Releaf, the UK's leading experts in medicinal cannabis, predictions estimate close to 50,000 patients could be attending a cannabis clinic across the UK for treatment. This article will look at the potential benefits of medical cannabis and the ailments it is being used to treat.

How Cannabis could Potentially Benefit your Health and Treat Sickness

Medical Cannabis has grown in popularity with more and more people becoming aware of what it is and the potential benefits it offers in the medical world. One of the methods used is CBD oil - Cannabidiol (CBD) is non-intoxicating and also non-euphoric as well as oil, also comes in the form of gummies, drinks and other medical products.

Patients taking CBD oil usually ingest it orally, simply placing it under the tongue and holding it there in place for around a minute. Some people using CBD oil for medical treatment may even use it in their food to ingest it this way.

Below is a list of the illnesses in which extracts from the cannabis plant have been shown to improve symptoms in some patients.

Chronic Pain 

Cannabis has been seen in some instances to ease types of chronic pain in different parts of the body, specifically when it comes to nerve damage and inflammation. A review of more than 10.000 scientific studies, back in 2010, found that it is effective at relieving such typical aches and soreness. 

While more research is being carried out to get a greater grasp on the medical benefits, CBD is understood to interact with the brain’s pain receptors once it has been ingested by the patient, exerting pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects.


People who suffer from anxiety can suffer from a lack of sleep, stress and also struggle in social situations, often feeling overwhelmed in a number of different situations which can feel debilitating over time.

Studies have found CBD oil could be effective in treating a range of afflictions including generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder and panic disorder as well as post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.


A chronic non-communicable disease of the brain, epilepsy is characterised by recurrent seizures and is said to affect 50 million people around the world. While seizure episodes can be brief, they involve involuntary movement of part of the body or all of the body and can also lead to loss of consciousness.

In 2018, the use of Epidiolex - which contains CBD - to treat Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet Syndrome, two severe and specific forms of epilepsy, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A study published in 2017 published results that concluded children with Dravet syndrome who used CBD, suffered fewer seizures compared with a placebo.

High Blood Pressure

CBD lowered the blood pressure of human participants in a study conducted in 2017, reducing resting blood pressure and readings after stress tests which included isometric exercise and mental arithmetic.

It is believed CBD can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and therefore positively impact high blood pressure as it binds to brain receptors and arteries, causing them to relax.

What’s more, research in 2023 studied 70 patients with mild to moderate high blood pressure and found oral CBD reduced blood pressure with no serious side effects.

Preventive Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Consumption

CBD oil could also help patients battling addiction and has been found to assist in those attempting to refrain from taking drugs and alcohol consumption.

A 2018 study recorded that CBD was capable of stress-induced cravings meaning people would be less inclined to take drugs or reach for a bottle having ingested the potential medicinal help. CBD was also found to halt the lack of impulse control which can also lead to people failing to control the urge to drink alcohol and take drugs.

Summing Up

A number of studies conducted have found instances where cannabis and CBD oil have treated patients suffering from a range of ailments. However, there is still much research required to properly grasp the benefits CBD can bring to the world of medicine as it is also vital to be aware of any risks. Going forward, it's important to determine any public health implications of rising cannabis use fully.

If you are a patient currently considering attending a cannabis clinic and the use of CBD oil, it is important to conduct your own research and consult with experts like Releaf who can assist you with information on medical cannabis and support you with any queries you may have. Speaking in a formal setting with professionals who will be able provide clarity, simplicity and advise will be able to point you in the direction for what is right for you and your ailment.


