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What to do in the garden in February

Lisa Garden on 09-02-2016

The sap is rising – and it's time for early bird gardeners to get out and get going. There are veg seeds to sow, pruning to finish and a good tidy-up before the season ahead. Let’s get started!

General tasks:

  • Spread slow-release fertiliser like pelleted poultry manure under hedges and around shrubs and trees
  • Top dress containers by scraping out the top couple of inches of compost and replacing with fresh

Ornamental garden:

  • Put copper rings in place around emerging shoots to protect them from slug attacks
  • Repot container plants if they’ve become pot bound: move them into a pot one size up and backfill with fresh compost.
  • Plant lily bulbs in containers under cover now and move them outside onto the patio as they come into bud

Kitchen garden:

  • Cover bare soil with clear polythene to warm it before spring sowing to get seeds off to a flying start
  • Start sowing hardy crops like beetroot and early carrots if the soil is warm enough – pop a cloche over the top to keep them cosy
  • Stock up on veg seeds at any garden centre - just make sure you bring along your growing plan.

For more information you can always visit your local garden centre, and speak to someone for friendly advice!
